Modeling for rehabilitation of femoral head based on CT images and reverse engineering
中文关键词: 髋关节  股骨头修复重建  CT图像  反求技术
英文关键词: hip joint  femoral head reconstruction  CT images  reverse engineering
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      提出了一种基于CT 图像反求技术的髋关节建模和缺损股骨头修复建模的新方法.利用基于模型的分割方法从人体髋关节CT图像中分别提取股骨和髋臼骨轮廓三维点数据,通过对离散点云数据进行规则化处理、精简、分割等,提取目标区域点云数据,最后利用最小二乘法拟合对因病变而发生塌陷的股骨头表面进行修复重建,恢复其健康状态的球面形态特征.利用两例不同程度的股骨头坏死病例进行修复实验,均得到较精确的修复还原效果.该方法不仅可以很好地重构人体髋关节模型、还原缺损股骨头的原始形态,而且可以推广到其他关节或骨组织,为骨科手术的精确定位和生物力学有限元分析提供了理论模型,并为关节假体的个体化快速制造提供了一种有效的方法.
      An innovative 3D modeling method for the hip joint and reparative modeling for femoral head based on CT images and the reverse engineering is proposed. The processing scheme consists of the following steps: first, detecting bone tissues from CT images and segmenting the femoral head and acetabulum respectively by model based on segmentation method. Then, the contours of femur and acetabulum are recorded as the style of points. After being reduced, the part point data of femoral head and acetabulum are extracted respectively and fitted by the way of the least square. Accurate reparative results are achieved from two collapsed femoral head of ANFH patients by the proposed method. Experiments show that the new method can reconstruct hip joint model and regain femoral head of patients perfectly. It can be developed to other joints or bone tissues too. The method affords theoretical model for accurate operation position fixed in orthopedics clinic and biomechanics analyses, and it also provides more effective ways for the individually manufacturing of artificial hip joint.
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