Reliability evaluation method for upper load-bearing structural system of single-story industrial building
中文关键词: 单层工业厂房  上部承重结构  可靠性  层次分析法  灰色聚类分析
英文关键词: single-story industrial building  upper load-bearing structure  reliability  analytic hierarchy process  grey clustering analysis
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      为评定单层工业厂房上部承重结构可靠性,提出了一种将层次分析法(AHP)与灰色聚类分析法相结合的可靠性评估方法.依据《工业建筑可靠性鉴定标准》(GB 50144—2008)相关规定,提出采用承载功能、结构整体性、使用状况、结构水平位移作为灰色聚类分析的聚类指标,并采用层次分析法确定各指标对结构体系可靠性影响的权重;采用层次分析法,充分考虑构件的位置、类型对上部承重结构可靠性的影响程度差异,确定构件权重系数,评定上部承重结构承载功能等级;提出聚类指标灰类等级划分标准,并根据厂房现状及承载能力验算结果,为聚类指标赋予白化数;通过聚类分析,构造聚类向量,按最大隶属度原则,确定结构体系可靠性等级及隶属度.工程实例验证表明,依据所提方法所得评定结果与GB 50144—2008评定结果一致,能够满足工程实际的应用.
      In order to evaluate the reliability of the upper load-bearing structure of single-story industrial buildings, a reliability evaluation method combining the analytic hierarchy process (AHP )and grey clustering analysis is proposed. According to the relevant regulations of Standard for Appraisal of Reliability of Industrial Buildings and Structures (GB 50144-2008), it is proposed to adopt the bearing capacity, structural integrity, use status and structural horizontal displacement as the clustering index of grey clustering analysis, and use AHP to determine the weight of the influence on the reliability of the structural system of each index. AHP is used to fully consider the different influences of the location and type of the component on the reliability of the upper load-bearing structure to determine the weight coefficient of the component and evaluate the bearing capacity level of the upper load-bearing structure. According to the grey classification standard of the clustering index and status of buildings and the calculation result of the bearing capacity, the whitening number is assigned to the clustering index. The clustering vector is constructed by clustering analysis, and the reliability level and membership degree of the structural system are determined according to the principle of maximum membership degree. After verification by engineering examples, it is shown that the evaluation results obtained according to the proposed method are consistent with the evaluation results of GB 50144-2008, which can meet the practical application of the project.
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