Detection method of adverse drug events from social media based on graph embeddings
中文关键词: 社交媒体  图嵌入  对抗训练  药物不良反应事件检测  深度学习
英文关键词: social media  graph embeddings  adversarial training  adverse drug event detection  deep learning\@
摘要点击次数: 296
全文下载次数: 229
      Adverse drug event is a major cause of morbidity and mortality of hospitalized patients. Since the traditional spontaneous self reporting system is experiencing serious underreporting issues, and the research on the use of social media, such as Twitter, as a data source for the detection of adverse drug events has received increasing attention in recent years. Deep learning models usually require many training samples. However, due to the characteristics of user generated contents and time consuming data annotation process, related research is faced with the problems caused by small scale annotation but highly noisy datasets, which restricts deep learning models to achieve good results. Accordingly, two regularization methods are introduced at the representation level, which are graph embedding based data augment and adversarial training, to improve the performance of detecting adverse drug events under such condition. The applicable scopes of these two methods are analyzed and discussed through experiments. Combining with the convolutional neural network, an adverse drug event detection scheme that can make full use of the two methods is proposed, and the experimental results testify the feasibility.
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